
Unmatched Multi-cloud insight and savings at no cost

OpsNow is 100% free to use.
If you choose to apply our shared savings plans with AWS, we partner with you to deliver up to 65% reduction in monthly cloud spend.

What is AutoSavings?

AutoSavings is delivered in partnership with OpsNow. Our machine learning models continuously optimize your accounts to deliver the maximum savings available. AWS accounts automatically have opportunity to enroll in AutoSavings.

Automatically save up to 65%

Significantly reduce your AWS cloud costs with our innovative shared savings service which optimizes your Reserved Instances and Savings Plans strategy.

AWS Bill

ML optimized for maximum returns

Multivariate machine learning models optimize savings and provide predictable savings with maximum coverage and utilization.

Fully managed to eliminate guesswork

No more missed days of savings coverage. OpsNow continually maximizes coverage and utilization based on your actual and forecasted needs.

Manage by People

Used more than capacity
Unused capacity

Manage by Auto Savigs

Risk-free success model

Our risk-free success model delivers monthly savings with no extra costs or commitments. Since we share savings we are highly incentivized in your success.

Included with OpsNow

Try all our features at no cost




Key Features

2min Account Onboarding

Resource Rightsizing

AI-Based Anomaly Detection & Alerts

Unused Resource Reporting


No Commitment AutoSavings

Coming Soon!

Security Posture Management

Policy-based Management

Questions? Let us help!